Monday 12 April 2021

Hēdoïne Win A Red Dot Award!

Hēdoïne, a brand we have supported and featured frequently, has just won the highly prestigious Red Dot Award.

You can still read our recent interview with Hēdoïne founders Anna and Alex to catch up with what's been happening with the brand and to find out what's new.

The “Red Dot: Best of the Best” is awarded for groundbreaking design and functionality.

Hēdoïne's range of Ladder-Resistant Tights were the Gold Medalists - recognising the quality and innovation of The Nude, The Edgy and The Bold collections.

The competition was certainly tough as the Red Dot Awards CEO, Professor Dr. Peter Zec explains:

“Never before in the more than 60-year history of our design competition have so many companies and design studios faced the professional judgment of our international jury as this year. Products from around 60 countries reached us, and their design quality and degree of innovation were evaluated in a process lasting several days."

These are the factors that clinched the award for Hēdoïne:
  • The research, use of new technology and testing that they undertook to set a new standard for tights.
  • Successfully addressing technical tights issues that generally bother tights wearers such as sagging through a seam-free and gusset-free design and a shaping waistband that stays up. 
  • Durability - Hēdoïne's tights are ladder-resistant
We send warm congratulations to 
Anna and Alex for this fantastic achievement, which is so richly-deserved after so many years of hard work.

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